Tsunami Relief Efforts


On December 26, 2004, South Asia witnessed a natural calamity that was one of the largest in the recorded history. A massive earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale sent tremors as far as Africa and made waves travel at 500 mph from the epicenter, coast of Suamtra island, Indonesia. This led to waves up to 40 meters high at the coasts of many countries that rushed into the cities and wreaked havoc.







IACCT is a non-profit organization in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It is collecting funds for rebuilding and rehabilitation efforts for the tsunami victims. IACCT is run by volunteers and thus 100% of your donations will directly be used for rebuilding and rehabilitation efforts. The board is also exploring various organizations which will match your donations dollar-to-dollar – effectively doubling your donation. Your donations are tax-deductible (IACCT tax-id ® 38-3205077).

Contact IACCT:

Phone no.  ®  (269) 324-8224

Address     ®  2002 Ramona Ave., Portage, Michigan 49002.


Make your checks payable to IACCT and mail to

Tsunami Relief, IACCT, 2002 Ramona Ave., Portage, MI 49002


Please note: Send us your name and mailing address along with the check, if you want us to send you a receipt of your donation.




IACCT                 ®      http://kalamazootemple.org/


Organizations        ®      http://www.idrf.org/

®               http://www.sewausa.org/

                             ®      http://www.educatedchamber.org

                             ®      http://www.care.org/

                             ®      http://www.redcross.org/



Information           ®      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Indian_Ocean_earthquake

                                    ®       http://temp.water.usgs.gov/tsunami/basics.html

                             ®      http://www.fema.gov/kids/tsunami.htm


News                    ®      http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2004/tsunami.disaster/

®      http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&q=tsunami

                                    ®      http://www.bbc.co.uk/


Other                    ®      http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com/



There are many organizations like IDRF and Sewa International which are working for the relief and rehabilitation of the victims of Tsunami. Below is a list of the websites you can use to donate money for this cause.


·        unicefusa

·        grameenfoundation

·        redcross

·        careusa

·        aidindia


There are many Indian websites which are accepting donations in Indian Rupees, some of them are:

·        indiatimes

·        rediff

·        sify

·        The hindu

·        http://www.tn.gov.in/misc/cmprf2003.htm

·        http://www.hcilondon.net/pm-appeal.html#book

·        http://pmindia.nic.in/relief.htm



A long list of related sites is also available at

·        http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/asiapcf/12/27/quake.aidsites/  and

·        http://www.google.com/tsunami_relief.html



About IDRF:


·        IDRF has released $20,000 towards immediate relief efforts.

·        It has increased the dollar-to-dollar matching for donations up to $20,000.

·        It is supporting 4 NGOs in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Malaysia.

·        It has extended support to 7 NGOs in India.


It’s services:

·        Distribution of fishing nets, assistance for purchasing and repairing fiber boats.

·        Repair of diesel engines and supply fuel.

·        Distribution of textbooks, notebooks and uniforms to students.

·        Construction of houses, Repair and construction of community infrastructure and

·        Medical services



Email               ®  idrf@aol.com or idrfboston@yahoo.com


Illinois             ®  Shri Narayan Chandak(309) 662-8353

Massachusetts  ®  Raghu Verabelli(781) 270-2349

California         ®  Suresh Deopura(510) 573-5100

Texas              ®  Vijay Pallod (281) 568-4995



About Sewa International USA


·        Sewa International USA is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization (tax ID #20-0638718).

·        It has volunteer workers, and 10 medical teams supporting its efforts.

·        In India it operates under the name of Sewa Bharathi and has been established for more than 5 years.

·        It has 2000 volunteers who are running 20 relief camps.


It’s services:

·        Providing medical services and organizing blood donation camps.

·        Construction & repairing of houses and rehabilitation of Communities.

·        Providing fresh water and day-to-day necessities to the effected people.

·        Building hospitals & educational institutes.



          Email                ®   info@sewausa.org

Address            ®  Sewa International USA.

                     P.O. Box 2376, Duluth, GA 30096

Phone               ®   678-362-7480 (Srikanth)


          Michigan           ®   Raghu Vemaraj 734-657-4951

New York         ®   Kavita Haricharran 516-431-5849

Massachusetts  ®   Dhananjay Javlekar 508-836-3221

California          ®   Yagnesh Pathak 510-573-2240

    (Bay Area) Suresh Radhakrishnan 805-577-9561 (LA)



You can print the flier and use it to raise money in your neighborhood, community, school etc.